Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keep It Safe When You Ride

There are 2 primary components that make owning and riding a motor scooter safe. The first one is pretty much a no brainer. Although several states require by law that you wear a helmet when you ride there are still several that do not. Even the ones that do don't regularly enforce wearing a D.O.T. approved helmet when you ride.

Let me tell you a quick story about a neighbor and friend of mine. It's short but I believe it gets the point across. He was getting ready to go out on a day ride on his motorcycle and had placed his quote, unquote novelty helmet on the handlebar of his bike. Well he didn't secure it very well and it fell off on to his cement driveway. This helmet by the way was less than a year old and he maybe had a 1000 miles on his motorcycle. Long story short the helmet cracked in half when it hit the pavement! can you imagine what would have happened to him had he gone down even going 20 or 25 miles an hour! Statistics prove as well that one of the first things that hit the ground in a motor scooter accident is your head. If you are not familiar with novelty helmets they are not approved by the department of transportation and therefore are not safe. The only reason people buy them is because they fit the head close and don't look so cumbersome. So people think they look a lot cooler. Guess what. It's not so cool when you end up in the hospital with major head injuries.
I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm just stating that it makes lots of sense to be a safe motor scooter rider. It can be extremely fun and inexpensive to own a motor scooter so play it smart as well.
Last but not least wear clothes that will protect you and gloves so you won't get road rash if you do take a spill. Drive defensively and always always always anticipate that the other guy does not see you and you will make your ride much more enjoyable.
Thanks for taking time to read the blog and have a safe and fun ride.

If you are interested in a new motor scooter or any other motor sport vehicle please come visit us at he following website.

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